Further round of energy-saving measures
ETH Zurich cut its energy consumption by around 7 percent over the winter of 2022/23. As of 1 October, energy-saving measures relating to room temperature and lighting are again being implemented for the winter of 2023/24. All members of the ETH Zurich community are requested to help reduce energy consumption.
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ETH Zurich’s energy-saving measures pursue three goals. One is to reduce energy consumption in order to curb the price-driven rise in energy costs, while another is to help prevent any possible shortages. Last but not least, further savings will help ETH meet its sustainability goals and bring it closer to its net-zero target.
As to possible shortages, the outlook for the 2023/24 heating period is less dramatic than last year. Nevertheless, the situation remains fraught: a very cold winter, combined with unscheduled disruptions to supply or production, could trigger shortages.
Priority for teaching and research
All energy-saving measures have been designed and implemented so as to ensure minimal impact on face-to-face teaching and on research. In the event of shortages, or should the Federal Council impose rationing, teaching and research activities will be given priority. At the same time, teaching and research are being also called upon to actively save energy. Here, the energy shortage task force is teaming up with departments that consume a lot of electricity in order to examine possible energy savings.
The following measures are being progressively implemented in specific buildings starting on 1 October:
- Heating: room temperatures are being lowered to 20 degrees Celsius. In unused rooms, the heating will be lowered even further or turned off completely.
- Lighting: all non-safety lighting will be reduced to the necessary minimum. This applies to both indoor and outdoor lighting.
In contrast to the winter of 2022/23, there will be no restrictions to the hot-water supply unless otherwise announced. Should the situation worsen, further measures may become necessary.
ETH hopes these measures will curb the growth in electricity consumption and cut gas consumption overall. For the current heating period, ETH Zurich is once again adopting the external page Swiss Confederation’s voluntary target of a reduction in gas consumption of 15 percent. Unlike last year, it is not anticipated that it will be necessary to replace gas with heating oil, since a large heat pump is now in operation on the H?nggerberg site.
Lower room temperature in public spaces
The greatest scope for energy saving lies in a reduction of room temperatures. Here, every degree counts, since lowering the temperature by 1 degree Celsius reduces the consumption of energy for heating by around 6 percent.
In older buildings that still have traditional radiators with thermostats, the temperature cannot be lowered via the central control system. In this instance, ETH is asking employees to help with energy-saving measures by themselves turning the radiators to 20 degrees Celsius. The use of portable electric heaters brought from home is prohibited in all ETH buildings – and they are in any case energy-inefficient.
Further tips on how the ETH community can help reduce energy consumption through (voluntary) measures can be found here and in the Confederation’s “Energy is scarce. Let’s not waste it” campaign.
Turning lights off and smart lighting
Energy-saving measures are also being implemented for lighting, with all lights in display cabinets, hallways and corridors being switched off entirely or controlled by motion sensors. In addition, fluorescent tubes are increasingly being replaced by smart lighting.
Dario D’Ercole, head of ETH’s in-house energy shortage task force, summarizes the position as follows: “ETH’s energy-saving measures take account of the current supply situation. At the same time, the measures now being implemented also reflect our experience of last winter. Teaching and research have priority with regard to all measures. We would like to thank all members of the ETH community for their support with energy-saving measures.
Do you have any questions or concerns about energy saving and energy supply?
Do you have any suggestions or ideas for how ETH could save even more energy? Members of the ETH community can send their questions or concerns about energy saving or energy supply to the following e-mail address: .
Further information about saving energy, the supply of energy at ETH Zurich and potential energy shortages can be found on the website www.ethz.ch/save-energy.
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