Position on geopolitical conflicts

In recent years, geopolitical conflicts have led to tensions at universities worldwide. At ETH Zurich, too, there have been intensive discussions about how the university should deal with these issues. In response, the ETH Executive Board appointed an Ad Hoc Commission for Institutional Positioning in July 2024. Its mandate was to develop a basis for deciding whether ETH Zurich should take a stand as an institution on geopolitical crises and conflicts.


In February 2025, the Executive Board adopted the Ad Hoc Commission's Download Policy Paper (PDF, 109 KB) on institutional positioning. It concluded that ETH Zurich will not take an official position on geopolitical conflicts in the future.

“While members of the ETH community are free to form and express their own political opinions, the university as an institution has a distinct responsibility to uphold its core mission without being drawn into geopolitical debates.”
Jo?l Mesot, ETH President


  • Effy Vayena, Associate Vice President for Digital Transformation and Governance, D-HEST


  • Margarita Boenig-Liptsin, D-GESS
  • Mennatallah El-Assady, D-INFK
  • Georg von Krogh, Global Advisory Board, D-MTEC
  • Andy Wenger, Head of CSS, D-GESS
  • Alex Widmer, Speaker of the Department Heads, D-USYS
  • Lutz Wingert, Chairman of Ethics Commission, D-GESS

Students and scientific staff

  • Julia Bogdan, VSETH, D-INFK
  • Nic Cantieni, VSETH, D-ITET
  • Lucie Kralikova, AVETH, D-BIOL
  • Lukas Spiekermann, AVETH, D-MAVT


  • Katharina Poiger, Secretary General
  • Rainer Borer, Head of Corporate Communications

Support for ETH members

ETH Zurich has chosen not to take an official stance on geopolitical conflicts, but of course global conflicts can have a profound impact on our diverse community. The following support services are available for ETH members who are directly affected by geopolitical conflicts.

Bachelor's and Master's students affected by geopolitical conflicts can turn to the Financial Aid Office in financial need and apply there for scholarships. Contact:

Psychological help is being offered by

Employees and supervisors have access to various counselling and coaching offers in the event of personal stress or challenging management and team situations. In addition, external specialists can be called upon to provide psychological counselling for employees.

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