Dealing with Electricity - Instruction for Safe Work in a Laboratory (Basic course)

SGU ST Elektizit?t EN 2025-09-25
  • 25.09.2025, 08:30 - 12:00
Beginn Anmeldefrist: 10.12.2024
Ende Anmeldefrist: 25.09.2025
ETH Zürich, H?nggerberg
  • Abteilung SGU,?Training  ()
Participation is free of charge for ETH members. External participants are asked to contact the course administration
ETH Zürich, H?nggerberg / HPI D8.3
  • Laws, regulations and standards (StV, NIV, EN 50110)
  • Personal protective equipment and protective measures for material assets
  • Working methods
  • Use, maintenance and inspection of tools and equipment

ETH members whose work includes the use of electricity / high voltage due to both equipment and experiment.

Please note that part of the documents will be delivered "only" in German. This is for reasons of rights compliance. At the moment we can't provide an officiall valid translation of the legal requirements.

Certificate of participation by Electrosuisse

AGB für Kurse und ?hnliche Veranstaltungen_DE_EN.pdf
Allgemeine Gesch?ftsbedingungen SGU.pdf
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